A mother is someone who plays an important role in the family.
Yesterday, I went home after school and got a call from Mom, she asked me if I have tuition class at later night. Then, I went to take an afternoon nap. When I wake up, I went to shower, while I was showering my maid told me my mum was admitted to the hospital. I was flustered, confused, obviously I don't know what was happening as few hours ago I was speaking to my Mom in the phone. When I came out from shower, my maid told me that the office that my Mum's working at was robbed. And apparently, my Mum is the victim, her left hand got cut by the knife the robber was holding and her right hand's palm was injured too. I cried immediately after knowing that, because I never thought I would face something like this, to face that my Mum was admitted in the hospital and she got cut by a knife.
To be honest, I'm scared, I'm scared that I will lose my Mum, and I don't want this to happen. I went to visit her in the hospital just now, and she looks... I don't know. She looks like she's asking God why this would happen to her, why my Mum? I really hope the person who hurt my mum will get caught. I pray to God that karma would hit him real hard in the face. Why rob people when you are healthy enough and you have the ability to earn money yourself? You're hurting people, you're hurting their families and friends.
Anyhow, what happened has just happened and I couldn't change the reality. I can only pray hard to God for my Mum's rapid recover, hope no bad consequences will be left.. My mum is a really healthy and active woman, hope she will be fine soon.. Pray to God. And fortunately, she will be changing to a normal ward later afternoon, God bless.
Don't take anyone for granted, love and cherish every moment you have with your families and friends, as you will not know what will happen to them anywhere, anytime...
I love you Mom, stay strong.
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