Anyway, today is a special holiday for all CHKL-ians! As we've been busy since the last few months, and especially these last few days. Coz we have a school carnival on 628! This year's carnival is larger than the last few years cuz it's our school's 95th anniversary ;) I'm very honoured to be a part of this team, forever grateful.
To be honest, I don't really have that much photos to blog cuz I'm damn busy for the whole day, can't even spare some time to snap photos. And that's something what I'm most regretful of.
In the morning starting from 9am, we have 学术学艺展. It means all the societies are required to exhibit their society's stuffs and prepare games, small present for people who came to the exhibition. The best thing is every societies have to draw a big poster (like the picture), and when they gave instruction everyone needs to put the posters down together!!! It was brilliant :)
Of course, I, as one of the English society committee have to do my job since 9am. I'm in charge of the "Lyrics Guessing" game, quite amount of people came that day, so I'm thankful to them, hahaha. But it's quite tiring cuz I need to stand for few hours :<
At around 11 something I left my job to help my class for the carnival starting from 3pm-7pm!! It was intense, really. lolol
Unsure why we do we call ourselves RAX???
We had a largest K-POP stall yet, in CHKL's carnival.
And this geng flower pot decoration made by the propaganda group.
Big applause to them!!!
And a small 4AXIN reunion photo.
Didn't we ever think that we could make this happen, together, as one. We've been preparing since few months ago, from uncertain, to ideas, meetings, quarrels, and finally, we did it. Words can't explain how thankful I am to every single member of RAX. Everyone has been putting effort to make this work, we wanted to be the best, so we tried really hard.
Honestly, I don't want 628 to end this quickly cuz it'll be one of the best memories I've ever had in my secondary school life. Being able to participate in this kind of events is one of the best thing in chkl. This school carnival will be my first and my last one. So I really appreciate the school for giving me such opportunity to take part in this. I remembered myself wanting to leave this school so desperately few years ago, but I'm now thankful to my mom who insisted me not to leave.
Lastly, a great big applause to everyone in the school who contributed to make 628 & 629 happen. And of course, the members of RAX who stayed almost everyday after school to prepare stuffs. The process is tiring but we've got an excellent result! We've earned 28k, probably the most in this year's school carnival. A big round of applause to everyone once again, and thank you guys for making this happen together :)
Let's wait for the after party for RAX!!