Wednesday, December 31, 2014

page 365 of 365 / 2014

Today's the last day of 2014, and I wanted to blog bout a short summary of my life this year. Be it happy or sad, but I'm really glad and thankful that I've made it to the last day of 2014! #SoBlessed.

We always tend to forget how to appreciate the greatness of life everyday. Especially this year has happened loads of unhappy stuffs such as numerous aviation accidents that breaks our hearts, that fears every nation. I am absolutely thankful to God that me, my family and my friends are safe in this world. But at the same time, I felt really sorry to the victims and families that are affected. God bless everyone!

In this year, I've learned how to appreciate little things in life. Such as having such great parents that are always supportive of me and that truly gives me courage to do things that I'm once afraid of. And of course, not to forget my friends whom I always rely on this year. Honestly, without you guys, my last year of high school would be dull and unexciting. So thank you to all of you who had brighten up my high school life, so blessed and thankful to have you as my friends.

I, too, am thankful for the amazing teachers that gave their all teaching us this year. Their dedication and hard work for us, will truly be remembered in my heart. Especially this year where we were having one of the most important and hardest stage of secondary school year. Thanks for everything, my dear teachers! Although sometimes I really hate you guys for blabbering so much, but deep in my heart, I am still grateful that you guys dedicated your time and hard work for us. So thank you.

I always tell myself, "let bygones be bygones". I've learnt that we should not always lock ourself in one "chamber" but we should broaden our mind and vision cuz there's actually so much more amazing things in life that will make us happy and thankful of. We should not really take too much care of what people think of us. Life is too short to be unhappy! So why care bout people who talk behind our back? "They gon' judge me anyway, so whatever." F8ck what people think, cuz you're extraordinary in your own way. Live your own life, don't live for others.

I am really grateful also that this year I was given some opportunity to do stuffs that I wasn't brave enough to do so last time. People always say, grab that opportunity hard when it comes to you, cuz you'll never know when will the next time be. 

Life is like a roller-coaster, it must have some ups and downs too. We can't guarantee that there's always good things that happens forever. At that down point, we should brave ourselves to face the problems but not just running away from them. Sometimes, it might be God's will to send us these obstacles so that we can learn how to face them. By the end of the day, we might get some unforgettable experience from those obstacles too!

So, below are some points that I think they were quite unforgettable for me this year. I might forget some but probably they weren't that important haha!

1. I've traveled to Korea!
YES! I was so happy that I can land my feet on that beautiful country after 4 years. Another wishlist granted, special thanks to my parents who made all of these happen. I still hope I can use my own earned money to travel the world, it would be an absolute success in my life if I could do that!

2. I've passed my theory exam.
After 6 years stucking at the same level, I finally get to take the theory exam and passed it! Although I didn't ace it but I'm still grateful that my hard work has paid off! But I still hope I can pass my piano exam next year lol. God bless me!!

3. Had the first interview in my life
Ok, it might not be the 'first', but it was certainly my first formal interview. I've seen how my confidence grew this year, and I remembered blogging bout my 2014's new year's resolution is to be confident this year. And I'm glad that I've did it! It took me a lot of courage to actually speak up confidently in the interview, and most importantly we had to speak in English lolll.

4. I've dislocated my shoulder (lol)
Haha, I guess this was the most depressed phase in this year. It was the first time (and I certainly don't want it to happen again) dislocating my shoulder and it SUCKS BIG TIME. Ugh, I still remember I had to go to the physiotherapy centre every week to do muscles exercises to strengthen my hand.. I hope I won't dislocate my shoulder again T_T

So, I guess this will be the end of my post. The last post before 2014 ends, and before 2015 starts. Hahaha. I really hope 2015 will be a better and more exciting year compared to 2014! And of course, everyone will be healthy and safe. Since I've left my secondary school, I sincerely hope that me and my friends will still keep in touch. And when I start my college, I can meet new and good friends :3 And I have to do well in my A levels hahaha!

Cheers to the new year to come! 
Happy new year, guys! xoxo

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