Thursday, January 30, 2014

First lousang with 5ARen

The first group photo with 5ARen! :) 
Although some people are missing cuz they went back to their hometown..

Our class had finally have the first ever lousang this year! LOL, I feel my class is a little not that cooperative as a whole, compared to other classes.. Anyhow, I still hope we could get better soon :)

And yes, on the day before our cny holidays, our class had a lousang event

People who are preparing for the event, and yes, they used multiple of paper plates, stapler them together to make a freaking big "plate" hahaha!

And, people who are waiting to eat....

My usual gang ~

Happy Chinese New Year! 
Lousang for better results, better life, better everything~ Hahaha

 The yummy crackers where we normally loves to eat, LOL~

New face in the blog? Isabel and Yan Zhe!

New girl friends in the class, and sorry I still don't know all of their names lolol

The person who forever has food in her hands, ISABELLLL

And..... me!

Have a great and blessed year ahead, 
And enjoy the new year's holiday with friends and family ;)

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Happy birthday, SiaoQi

To: Siao Qi,

                  Hello, my bestie, girlfriend, stupid friend, lover, hater etc. Hahahaha. Happy 17th birthday stupid girl! Finally can get your driving license huh.. I have to wait like for a few more months hehe, make sure to drive me out by the time you got your license okay! I miss you so much man, it's been a long time since we've last met. I'm happy that I could see you last Saturday, really. I was quite afraid we will have an awkward conversation cuz we didn't meet each other for quite a while, hehe. But then it surprised me when we have unlimited conversations! I still remember the friendly hug you gave me when we first met, hehe. Guess it is a sign of bestfriendsforever huh? hahaha.

                  The time of us being together for 24/7 it's really a short period lol. During form 3 we were like inseparable but too bad we are in different class =.= And then form 4 you changed school wtf, leave me alone for what.... Anyhow, I'm glad we both found our gang in our school haha. Don't have fun without me okayyy :P This year will be full of schedules cuz it's our important year. Mine will be SPM, and yours will be O levels right. Wish you good luck and all the best for everything you do ;) Hope we can meet up soon and often too, keep in touch always and forever!

Happy 17th birthday my bestie, love you xx

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I've been not blogging for quite a time huh, hahaha. I have no inspirations to blog.. But somehow, I don't want my blog to be dead... So yeah, I'm here for a new post!

I guess it's the 3rd week after school reopens? The Chinese new year is coming soon, and so is holiday! This crazy school of mine arranged our first standardise test on February 20th wtf, damn crazy. It's like all teachers can't even finish the exam syllabus and we have to get ready for exam already :(

Anyway, I don't know why I volunteered myself to become one of the committee of the English Language society haha. I wasn't someone who willingly volunteers myself in troublesome stuffs though.. Maybe I'm taking one step of myself being confident, in front of everyone. Then I was arranged to be the vice secretary. Haha, thanks God I'm just the "vice" secretary, although there are loads of stuffs to type.. I think I will get even more busy soon...

And then yesssss, I've finally started my first Korean Language class after I guess, 2-3 years stopped learning. I loveeee the language so much hehe, if only I have the ohm to study like that for my studies.. I think I could get into the first class lol lol. It's the best if I could learn furthermore levels but I guess I have to make a way to Korea to continue it, maybe yes, maybe no. Not so sure yet :/

This year is my school's 95th anniversary! Teachers kept on repeating that we will need to rush our studies like mad, and everything will be moved forward.. Yea, I still daydream in most periods while the teachers are teaching -.- Loads of activities coming soon, can't wait to go back to Penang for CNY celebration. More angpaus this year please!

Hehee, and HuiQi's Chinese new year house party. Yay yay yayy, so excited.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Lee Kwang Soo's fanmeeting in Malaysia

Wohooo, finally gonna blog about this fanmeeting after a week of hype! I went to Lee Kwangsoo's fanmeeting in Malaysia that was organized by JS Concert :) It was held at Kenanga Wholesale City, 15th floor. A lot of fanmeetings are held at this place, and I was pretty lucky to get complimentary tickets for those I want to go. All thanks to my cousins and her dad!!

I would say the fanmeeting was well-organized. Too bad it was reallyyyy short! T_T Only about 1 and a half hour.. But still thankful that Kwangsoo was able to come to Malaysia ;) I can see the side of him that is serious and dedicated to his fans. It was really an incredible night!

 I was wearing the Running Man t-shirt I bought last year haha, with my name tag on the back!!

Kerwen was joining us too cuz I had one more extra ticket :D

I actually brought my Sony camera to the fanmeeting, and I also brought the zoom-in lens too. I was kinda worried that the security will be tight but then my worries are all nothing!! I was able to snap about 500 photos in total LOL. Not forget to mention that the zoom-in lens is super heavy -_- My hands were so tired but I guess it was worth it ;)

Time for some Kwangsoo photos that I think it's well-taken by me!! Hahaha
(Please take out with full credits thanks!)

I really love this photo LOL!! 
His expression while drawing a paper for lucky-draw is super cute!! 
I love my camera for able to take this photo HAHA.

This fans is sooooo lucky for getting the "Romantic" paper, and what's more?! 

And then they have this segment where they invited 10 lucky fans on the stage. Kwangsoo will do different movements and the fans had to turn around and randomly do one action by Kwangsoo. If the movements they did are the same with his, they will not be eliminated!!

 Urgh man, that smileeee!!

Naughty Kwangsoo who was giving hints haha!~

 Kwangsoo was incredibly tall! 
I wanna stand beside him to experience that height but I wasn't lucky enough T_T

One of the movements he did was his famous movement in Running Man haha! 

And then the lucky winner goes to a kid!! 
He got an autographed fan signed by Kwangsoo on the spot. And others I forgotten what...

He was shouting "Andwaeeeee!!" (Means: NOOO)

After that, there was this segment where they play a video of Kwangsoo's past years dramas etc.. The MC asked the fans what do they want to see more of Kwangsoo in the future in dramas or movies? Some fans shouted "Pabo!!!!" (Means: dumb/stupid character) As he always acted dumb in Running Man, and fans are really delighted to see him in that haha!!

Guess what... He did it...

And lastly, the fans went on stage and gave him presents!! 
And they took a group photo with LKS T_T So lucky la can..

I really love his smile here!! 

After the fanmeeting, they had this Hi-5 session with LKS on stage for fans that bought the premium zone ticket!! Unfortunately my ticket was Cat 1 so I didn't get to see him up close on stage T_T 

And so, we took photo with him far far away... -_-

 My lucky cousin who got to Hi-5 with Kwangsoo, and also she got his autographed poster!!

My kind and generous cousin offered me to take a photo with her autographed poster, haha!!

After that, we had to go back cuz they're clearing up the venue. We had to take the lift to go downstairs. And then before going home, we saw some fans waiting at some barrier side. We thought we might see Kwangsoo for the last glimpse before he go home. So yeah, we waited

And yes!!! We did saw him came out! :D At first we wanna give up and go home but then sometimes sh*t happens.. We waited for a while, then he came out! Although it was really short like a few seconds but it's happy to see him again! 

The fans were shouting his name and he waved back to us :D So cute lah...

Before ending this post, I wanna share some videos that I've took at Kwangsoo's fanmeeting! He sang 3 songs in total, and the rest of the time he was interacting with fans! 

#1: 140104 Performance by Kwangsoo, he sang Because of Love.

#2: There was this segment where Kwangsoo had to do some modelling.. 
And for people who don't know, he is a model ;)

I actually have 2 more videos of his performance and one aegyo (cute) video. But I was kinda lazy to upload it hehe.. Maybe next time :)) Hope you guys enjoyed this post!

Lastly, I wanna thanks to my cousins and their parents who generously gave us the tickets to LKS's fanmeeting and also fetching us to and back from the venue! And of course, the awesome organizer who planned everything well for this fanmeeting. Unlike some others who cancelled the past events at the last minute..

And Kwangsoo!!! Who was incredibly talented, handsome and tall. He was really hilarious of course, but most of the time he was kinda cute and serious. And I can see that he really appreciate the supports from his fans. Thanks for bringing such amazing performances and made us laugh at the same time! Hope to see him coming back with the whole Running Man members!!

It was an amazing night that I will not forget!! 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

My 2014 new year's resolution

Time flies. I was 16 years old few days ago and now I'm 17. Not officially though, cuz my birthday is still a loooong way! Hahaha. 2013 was fun, indeed. Not that stressful in terms of school, life, and friendship. Sometimes I really like that I have only that few friends that I always stick to, we have lesser gossips, and maybe this could make us be even more closer.

I will miss 2013. The people, and what had happened in year 2013. There is sometimes unlucky stuffs happens in life, but that is life. We just have to accept it and move on. There's ups and downs in life, if we don't stay positive ourself, no one can ever help us.

To be honest, nothing really special that happened to me in 2013 that I would be super excited or memorable of. The one thing that makes me depressed is my mom's incident. I really thank God for His blessing that she is safe and healthy now, make sure to appreciate everyone in your life before it's too late to be regret.

Another thing is, my 2nd attempt of practical exam. I failed again, I was super depressed and cried for the whole night when I knew my result but guess it was myself who didn't prepare well, that's why I failed. I'm gonna stand up and learn from my mistakes, so I can ensure myself to pass that grade. Everyone has the point where they will fall down with mistakes, we just have to be strong, and learn from our mistakes so we could do better and be successful in the future!

Alright, these are my new year's resolutions..

#1 Work hard for SPM
This is the most important stage in my secondary school life. I am not ready yet for everything at school, I know it will be hard and tiring. Teachers already warned us they will finish up everything by which month, so we have to be hardworking and don't sleep in class, pay attention, do homework... Yes, I must achieve this so I can make my parents proud!

#2 Improve my spine
For people who don't know, I have a problem with my spine called scoliosis. It is of course, depressing. I can't wear nice clothes or dresses that shows off my back because of scoliosis. Mostly people have it, it's just how serious is it. I started doing exercises and wearing braces to improve it bit by bit, hopefully it won't get serious.

#3 Travel
I always wanted to go back to Korea. I love that place, and the culture. I went to Korea last time when I was younger, I really hope I can go to Korea this year with my friends and family after SPM!

#4 Be safe, healthy and happy
In this environment we are staying at, it is absolutely dangerous. Everyday we on the TV we saw news about people got raped, and innocent people got shot dead etc.. Even walking on the streets myself sometimes I feel dangerous. It's like you're scared that someone will snatch your stuffs behind you. Things are getting out of control day by day. And the incident that happened to my mom last year had made me even more caution to the environment.

Be healthy, sleep early and live a healthy lifestyle. I always study at the eleventh hour so I always sleep really late. I know it's bad for my health but I do it anyway. I have to change this bad habit..

I don't really share my secrets or expose my sadness to my friends. Cuz if it's sad, I don't wanna make my friends sad with me too. Always stay positive and smile!

#5 Be confident
I am a person who rarely talks in front of public. It's not that I don't want, probably I'm shy and not confident. I really wanted something sometimes, but I was too shy to voice it out. So the chances are always snatched by other people. I hope blogging could help me to be more confident. I need to learn how to socialize myself through experiences cuz it's not in our textbook.

These are the stuffs that are in my mind currently, I know there's more I wanna achieve but I guess these are the ones that are important and not that easy to fulfill. Hopefully year 2014 will be awesome and fun filled with memories like 2013. And 2014, please be good to me lollll.

So, what's your new year's resolution? No matter what it is, make sure to achieve it by end of the year :)
Stop wishing, and start doing!!

Goodbye to 2013, 
and Happy New Year 2014 to all my family, readers and friends :)

Saturday, January 4, 2014

First post of 2014

I'm truly sorry for the lack of updates for so many days!! The last few days of 2013 was kinda busy for me, and school had reopened sho early this year :( Kinda nervous at first, but I'm really glad I have some best friends in the same class with me!!! Our form teacher was so funny and good too, too bad she isn't that good in teaching... There's no perfect person in this world LOL.

Just ended my first 3 days as a Form 5 student. Maybe the SPM feeling hasn't come to me yet, but hopefully it will, soon... I don't wanna slack anymore LOL!! Must always remind myself that this year is super important for a high school-er. My target for this year: Work hard, listen to teacher in class, do revision always.... After this whole year ended, I am planning to go to Korea for a trip!!! So, no pain no gain.

Anyhow, one thing I hate that we have school on Saturday that is we only have 1 day of weekend!!! And teachers seems that one day of resting is like a week -.- wtf? On Sunday I wake up and then waddle around then I need to go back to bed and ready for school already.

Hmm, and yeah, I just got back from Lee Kwang Soo's Fanmeeting in Malaysia!!! I will surely blog about this soon, there's LOADS OF PHOTOS I've taken just now. I was kinda worried that the securities will be super tight cuz I brought my zoom lens and it's frikken long and big LOL. But it all went well :D Took so many photos, and I can't wait to edit them and share it out!

So yeah, it's getting late and I should go to bed now! :D Took loads of photos in Kwangsoo's fanmeeting, but then only a few are good shots :( Fansite masters are really pro to have 1080p photos and videos!! Salute :D


Black Moustache