I've started liking Justin Bieber since the end of 2010. The first time I knew his music was through Hitz fm, they were playing one of his hits song - One Time. Truthfully, I thought it was sang by a girl. I mean, who doesn't? I really liked that song and I waited for the DJ to announce who's the singer, and turns out it was Justin Bieber. I thought to myself, I thought it was a girl? How come the name of the singer is called Justin Bieber?
I started doing research about him, and that time he wasn't that popular yet, so there weren't much photos of him on Google. I remembered seeing those pictures where people edited his face on a girl's body. And so, I didn't paid attention to him. But end of 2010, I don't know why I started crazily liking him? Maybe it was one of my friend's influence. And thanks to that, he even came to Malaysia for his first tour - My World Tour. I got really crazy and bought the concert tickets, wanted to get the VIP one, but it was sold out immediately. I still save the tickets :P
Before his first concert in Malaysia, I joined Justin Bieber Malaysia Flashmob with my cousin and friend. I told you I was really crazy about him right? Hahaha, I am not good in dancing but I participated anyway. And thanks to my dad who doesn't oppose about me joining it at that time. I think I really had a good experience.
The 2nd poster was made by me during the Flashmob party event.
And it was me at an event for Justin's My World Tour - to win meet & greet tickets!
Sadly I did not got it :(
We practiced for I forgot how long, and many beliebers participated. We didn't know we could got that big. By THAT big, it means it got viral, and we were crazily tweeting about the flashmob video to Justin's twitter before he came to Malaysia. And guess what?!! He noticed one of the tweets and he tweeted about the video!! :)
This was the video which Justin noticed (not official)
This was the official video with pro photographer :D
I found this photo on my photo albums in Facebook haha!
On April 21st 2011, Thursday. It was an unforgettable day for me, as a Belieber. It was my first time seeing him live on stage. The moment when he came out for the first time, my brain wasn't functioning well. I think it stopped for a while. I couldn't think, couldn't shout, couldn't speak. It was crazy. I couldn't believe he's performing in front of me, or is it my first time going to my fav idol's concert? I don't know. I remembered that my brain was totally blank.
I still have the tickets with me until now :)
To sum up everything I wrote above, I started liking him when he was 16 years old. That time many fangirls were crazy over him, maybe not that much now. I was quite surprised myself that I've been supporting him for the fourth year. It was my first time supporting an artist for this long. Along the journey, I had ups and downs too, as a belieber myself. They said "Being a belieber isn't easy." and I truly agree the statement.
You know why it isn't easy? As most people know, Justin Bieber is one of the most famous celebrity in the world, he has numerous of fans and of course, haters. You know what I feel whenever people talk shit about him? I feel like I was being stabbed in the heart, it was pain, indescribable. Yeh, you might feel a little stupid or naive about what I do, but truthfully himself and his music brought me a lot of happiness, and I know what kind of person he is.
Whenever I see articles about him on the newspaper, I would get really excited, but I knew it wasn't anything good. Medias tend to make up a "fake" Justin Bieber so that people could hate him. Or maybe people think it was "cool" to hate him. Idk? I defended him a lot last time, I cried a lot too. This journey was hard, but I guess it was worth it. I defended him because he doesn't deserve that much hate by people.
Sometimes I have no idea when people say, "I hate Justin Bieber." Oh really? Why? Because he has a lot of money, or does he sounded gay, or does he get addicted to drugs? These questions are plain stupid and dumb. I rather not giving any response because I know people will say even more, and I don't even want to explain because I don't have to. I've learned from my lesson for the past years that if you stop talking, people would just shut up.
Yeh, I get that "I hate Justin Bieber." sentence often, but I don't really care. Cuz I know what kind of person he is. Do you think medias or reporters or even random haters would know more about his beliebers do? I really have no idea why the medias wouldn't post a SINGLE PHOTO of him doing charity. He has done a lot, and I really hope people could realise more of this side of him :)
People don't know, they accuse that he ONLY does shit stuffs. Everyone has done wrong in their life, but why people only point the arrow to him? I don't understand. Maybe he was a celebrity, and being perfect is his lifestyle?
He was a teenager too. His private life and intimate moments with his family and friends were being disturbed because he is a famous celebrity. Sometimes I would feel sad for him. Does he ever regretted being a celebrity? Or does he prefer singing randomly on YouTube?
I think of all the years I've been a belieber, 2013 was the toughest of all. And that's Justin's last year of being a teenager, 19 years old. A lot of shit stuffs happened, I don't even wanna remember anything... But it was important too, cuz it is part of the journey. His first time got into the jail, was one of the viral things happened.
I accepted that he has done wrong, cuz he is not perfect. He learned from his mistakes, that was the important thing. Because of these shit stuffs he got more and more haters, a lot of fans left him and stopped being a belieber. I am thankful and happy that I still stayed, I believe in him afterall. Remember, no one in the world is perfect. He is a celebrity, and he is also a human being like everyone.
Justin Bieber is someone who chased and followed his dream and he told us to never stop believing. He once said, "Everyday we wake up is another blessing. Follow your dreams and don't let anyone stop you. Never say never." He was living his life but unfortunately, this society has given him too much pressure that seems his behavior and act is inappropriate.
I would use this opportunity on his 20th birthday to thank him for existing in my life. If I have children or grandchildren in the future, I would tell them about Justin. How he affected my life, and how important is he to me. People might not understand but you wouldn't know if you weren't me. I will always stand by you to support you through thick and thins. We still have a long way to go cuz it's just only the beginning, right?!
I love you, Justin Bieber.
Happy 20th Birthday.
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